Celebrating the 50th day of school in 1st grade!
about 5 years ago, Liberty Elementary
50th Day
Check out the latest events and happenings in the Harrisburg Community and District. 🐾https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/862538/schools/34398
about 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Harrisburg Weekly
Mrs. Sandine was blown away by this young man taking a chance & learning something new. While he was working on his word work, he decided to use sign as a way to learn word patterns and spellings. Pretty cool, right?!? Fun to share with mom for today’s #GoodNewsCallOftheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
Mrs. Dalton was so impressed with how this young man handled winning a game. Rather than getting caught up in the moment, he noticed another student was bummed and he took time to encourage her & let her know how well she did. Isn’t that awesome?! #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
Growth. Effort. Mrs. Gill has been so excited about the effort and growth this young man has shown in some areas that have previously been difficult for him. He’s done an awesome job being flexible with his thinking & it’s made a difference! #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s bonus good news call.
This young man did the right thing even though it wasn’t easy. He made the choice to say no to a friend because he wanted to do the right thing. Awesome to see this kind of self-control in any person, let alone a second grader! #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
Mr. Abels & Mrs. Drexler have been so impressed with how this young man is taking responsibility for his choices! It’s made a huge difference in his classroom & a reflection of the growth he’s had in fifth grade! Awesome to share with mom for today’s #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call #2.
This young lady was so kind, caring & patient with a friend in their classroom helping him get into a math game. They had an awesome time learning together! #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
This young man has been so empathetic and kind to a classmate – looking for ways to include him and make him feel welcome! We were able to make a #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay by going down the hall to visit mom!
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
Open the gates and seize the day by attending the NMS production of Newsies! Showtimes are November 1 @ 7PM and November 2 @ 2PM and 7PM in the NMS PAC. Tickets: www.harrisburgpac.com.
about 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
Cooler temperatures mean that the holidays are nearing- celebrate the holiday season by attending Tiger Nation's Prairie Christmas!!! Enjoy holiday music by the HHS Choir, and do your holiday shopping at the vendor fair. Tickets available starting October 1: www.harrisburgpac.com
about 5 years ago, Harrisburg Fine Arts
PeachJar is now on our App! Looking for a flyer? Choose your school and look for the PeachIJar tab. All your school's active flyers are listed. 🍑🐾
about 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
PeachJar Link
Last week, Mrs. Martin saved this young lady by pulling her back from a car that blew through the crosswalk, keeping safe from harm. Her quick decision making may have saved her life! It was our pleasure to share this with Mrs. Martin’s mom for today’s #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
Don't forget to join us for the BooBash this Friday at South Middle School from 6:30-8pm. 🎃👻
about 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
Boo Bash
Thank you to our very own Harrisburg City Administrator, Mr. Andrew Pietrus, for sharing his knowledge of city government with our Liberty learners!
about 5 years ago, Liberty Elementary
Group 2
This little Liberty learner has been working hard and persisting with determination this week in every aspect of her school day especially during tech time in the computer lab. Mrs. Drexler and Mrs. Yerdon are so PROUD of her! #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Liberty Elementary
Liberty Families: We will be following our Indoor Dismissal Procedures due to the rain this afternoon. These can be viewed through the following link: https://tinyurl.com/ya6k436q
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Mrs. Fagerland shared how she loves seeing this young lady look for ways to apply her learning. She does such a nice job transferring skills & concepts learned to new situations! Fun to share with mom for today’s #GoodNewsCallOfTheDay
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
Today’s good news call.
Liberty Families: Due to rain expected this afternoon, we we may need to follow our Indoor Dismissal Procedures. These can be viewed through the following link: https://tinyurl.com/ya6k436q
about 5 years ago, Aaron Weaver
A reminder the deadline to submit flyers to PeachJar is noon on Monday. Visit our website for full details. 🍑https://www.harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/o/district/page/peachjar-guidelines-for-submission
about 5 years ago, Harrisburg School District
PeachJar Deadline